

to replace the skin / face / facade of a building with a new one (to hide the current appearance of an object) in order to erase and forget the (hi)story it is associated with
  • Synonyms:
  • wrap
  • cover
  • camouflage
  • deny
  • conceal
  • censor
  • shroud
  • forget
  • Antonyms:
  • approve
  • acknowledge
  • present
  • allow
  • show
  • expose
  • display
  • uncover
  • remember

„Camouflage (MG) The term ‘camouflage’ is of relevance for its sense of reinterpretation – and of reformulation – rather than of obscuring. As with certain military artifices – paint, patterns, coverings or fabrics – camouflage is generally achieved through an international manipulation of reality… …This alludes to a tactical dissolution of the object based upon the blurring of its silhouettes and the dissolution of its former solemn presence… …The idea of camouflage is accepted: for its sense of “tactical mechanism” – a mechanism of “recodification” (for the proposal of new codes) and “un-codification” (redefinition of old ones); that is of interchange and multiplication (relational and sematic) through which things eventually.

The Metapolis Dictionary of Advanced Architecture
Actar, 2003, p-95