Samuel Grunho Pereira
Shadows and darkness are essential to enhance experience of the city and built construction. It creates mysteriously that stimulate our imagination and memories. All this stimulation creates a sense of connection with our environment. The Shadow and Darkness are thus praised in the book. However, darkness also brings negative sensation and experiences. The darkness and shadows created by medieval narrow streets are looked for during the day, but at night one will more likely use big, large boulevards that are fully illuminated. Definitely, during the day, wide boulevard and homogeneous and flat buildings creates control by annihilating shadow, but at night it’s very restful for the one going back home. However, in our world we tend to erase shadow and by the way separation between in and out. We have suruse of window. We have less space for rest and isolation from social fast life.
Shadows allow communities to be created. It brings the calm and the separation from outside that able social connections to happen. Authoritarian societies tend to abolish shadow to control and prevent people to gather together in secret. In the book 1984, we have the screens always on that are on every room and control what happens. In reality, it’s the same. Hausmann boulevards or more modern soviet boulevards able more control on the population when riots begin and create feeling of being watched.
However, full light and exposure isn’t just diabolic. On sunny day, people don’t hesitate to go out, laying on the grass of the park or the sand of the beach. During the whole winter, people look forward
for the coming back of the sunny days. The most expensive flats are the one up in the sky, with no obstacles obstructing the view and the lights.
Finally, shadows stimulates imagination and memories by his mysteriously. It creates also connection and intimacy, but there are also less desirable sides.