Through imagination and the intuitive acting of the human body
a piece of Space is defined into a Place.
A Place is therefore created to speak to the body’s intuition.
Through the play and manipulation of spatial parameters, an Atmosphere is created.
This Atmosphere is designed to speak to all the senses of the human body.
It pre-sets Space for the possibility of a Place.
That is the act of the architect’s intentions.
Views can be steered.
Objects create shadows.
Materials have smells.
Smells can bring up memories.
Sounds can bring up feelings.
A room’s proportions can pull one in or push one out.
Haptics can affect the position of the body.
Temperature can affect one’s mood…
Ultimately, how the body flows through Space will determine the Place.
Place is ever-changing.
The Interaction between Body and Space is what makes a Place.
This is my simple formula.