

to detach an existing object from an extensively used public area in order to deny / ignore its presence and erase it from the public's perception
  • Synonyms:
  • separate
  • isolate
  • detach
  • cut
  • disjoin
  • remove
  • divorce
  • ignore
  • neglect
  • forget
  • Antonyms:
  • connect
  • attach
  • join
  • unite
  • associate
  • marry
  • remember

„These mental representations, along with the actual city, contain many unique elements, which are defined by Lynch as a network of paths, edges, districts, nodes, and landmarks. (…) The fourth element, nodes, are points or strategic spots where there is an extra focus, or added concentration of city features. Prime examples of nodes include a busy intersection or a popular city centre. “

Ethan Sundilson, Kevin Lynch
City Elements Create Images in Our Mind,
CSISS Classic,